Although our portfolio is almost exclusively automotive, Rupert (CEO) has a passion for fencing and so we have come to be the provider of the tournament's online system for entry and result reporting. Applying the same great standards as we do on our automotive web sites, Bristol Open's uniqueness within our flocks comes from its use of the PayPal API to take payment and the fact that it was the first site in which we implemented Google's Graphs API to display data.

A pie-chart of which countries the fencers have chosen to represent is proudly displayed on the home page of the site to promote the tournament's global reach. This interactive diagram adds a splash of colour to the site and shouts proudly about the fact that they continue to attract entrants from as far away as Korea and Jamaica but also play host to some friendly regional rivalry amongst the home nations. 

Now live is the redesigned with an easier navigation flow, more informative payment process, neater display of results, new logo and overhauled visual design.